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Capturelip Screen Recorder is an easy video screen capture & screen recording tool that can record screen activities and sounds into video movie files.
You can use this screen capture software to record full screen or any area of the desktop screen, record the cursor's movement, and add highlight to the cursor.
Capturelip Screen Record supports audio recording, during the process of screen video recording. You can start, pause, stop the screen & sound recording by pressing user-defined hotkeys anytime with Capturelip Screen Recorder.
By choosing the output audio, video codec, quality, framerate from the Options Dialog, you can set the output AVI Video file formats easily. Residing on the system tray area when minimized, Desktop Screen Record 5 is ready to record screen at anytime. Now you can create video demos with this powerful tool quickly and easily. Have fun!
Desktop Screen Record 5 Main Features:
Start, pause, stop screen recording with user-defined hotkeys. Can record screen activities into Standard or Compressed AVI files Can record full screen or any part of the screen Can record Screen in any screen color depth Supports sound recording from microphone, videotape, internet, etc. Can show flashing rectangle when screen recording or paused Select the video encoder for your screen recorder output AVI file Adjustable screen capture frame rate and playback rate Set the sound recording format and compressed audio format Can record Actual Cursor or Custom Cursor Can add a highlight area around the cursor during screen recording User friendly interface, easy to use
An Example of How to record full screen:
1. Launch Capturelib Screen Recorder.
2. Click on the black down-arrow beside record button to access the dropdown list of Input options, Click on the full screen option to check it.
3. Click record button to start recording. you can also use hotkey to start recording. By default, this key is F7.
4. Proceed to work with your computer while all desktop activities are recorded in the background.
5. To pause the process of recording, use hotkey to pause recording. By default, this key is F7. if application run as system tray, right click on the Capturelib Screen Recorder icon and select pause menu; In pause status, you can change effect settings. For example, enable mouse click effect, sound effect, etc;
6. To resume the process of recording, use hotkey to resume recording. By default, this key is F7. if application run as system tray, right click on the Capturelib Screen Recorder icon and select record menu;
7. To stop the process of recording, use hotkey to stop recording. By default, this key is F8. if application run as system tray, right click on the Capturelib Screen Recorder icon and select stop menu;
8. To cancel the recording, use hotkey to cancel recording. By default, this key is F9. if application run as system tray, right click on the Capturelib Screen Recorder icon and select cancel menu;
9. After the recording is complete, the video and audio is merged and displayed in the selected folder shortcut. Use the built-in player to preview the recording.
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