Meira Sex and the city...
Er komin heim og er að bíða e. Indriða mínum. Datt ekkert anna í hug heldur en að tékka betur á þessu með persónurnar í Sex and the city. Var ekki alveg að vilja viðurkenna að ég væri Charlotte, þótt ég sé kannski smá lík henni í sumu. Tók s.s. annað próf og hér eru niðurstöðurnar úr því:
You scored 40% Carrie
Your answers peg you as a Carrie-type, much influenced by the Air Sign qualities associated with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Like confident Carrie, a sex columnist, you're curious and perceptive, always seeking answers and never satisfied with the superficial. An Air Sign influence can lead to indecision and an avoidance of tough issues, like with Carrie and her on-again, off-again attachment to Mr. Big. Forward-thinking, incredibly intelligent and witty, you just exude quirky charm. You'd be utterly bored by someone who's just a pretty face or hot body -- though you don't mind looking and flirting! You're more turned on by an equally smart and funny mate, someone who challenges your mind and makes you laugh. You love to talk, so you need a good listener who's open to playful and eccentric ideas about love and lovemaking.
You scored 30% Samantha
You identify with Samantha's bold and liberated Fire Sign qualities, characteristics associated with the Signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You're strong, audacious and larger than life -- and you take what you want! Sometimes you can even be thoughtless and selfish, as you get so caught up in craving immediate gratification and excitement that you overlook someone's feelings. Your personal style likely reflects your desires: sleek, low-cut, revealing just a bit more than might be considered acceptable. Watch that you're not coming on too strong, though. You could scare potential suitors off with all your drama. If you seek so much attention, the more basic qualities of the Fire Signs could be burned right out of the picture. Show less skin or cleavage and more of your creativity, your vibrant leadership skills and courageous generosity!
Var svo bara 20% Charlotte og 10% Miranda.
Og þá hafið þið það. Þetta er náttúrulega snilldar leið til að drepa tímann fyrir gall harðan aðdáanda eins og mig. Fer þessi strákur ekki að koma heim...
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